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211 lines
hybrid stack-queue-list-array generic class.
C++ versions 1 & 2
Copyright 1990
John W. Small
All rights reserved
PSW / Power SoftWare
P.O. Box 10072
McLean, Virginia 22102 8072
(703) 759-3838
// Define CPP1 for C++ version 1 compatibility
// #define CPP1
#ifdef CPP1
#define protected public
// Some compilers have ANSI C's standard library available
// Define ANSI_C_STD_LIB to use this library
#define ANSI_C_STD_LIB
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include <limits.h> /* UINT_MAX */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp(), memcpy(), memset() */
typedef unsigned size_t;
#define UINT_MAX -1
extern int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
extern void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
extern void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
// FLvariantData specifies that the size of the data
// stored within the FlexNode is to be determined by
// the variant FlexNode virtual functions found in the
// FlexList class. See the first FlexList constructor.
#define FLvariantData 0
// In the FlexList class the virtual functions are coded
// to handle C strings. To construct a FlexList to
// hold variant length FlexNodes housing C strings
// code: FlexList s(FLstrings);
#define FLstrings FLvariantData
// FLmaxMaxNodes specifies the maximum number of FlexNodes
// allowed in any FlexList.
#define FLmaxMaxNodes UINT_MAX
class FlexList;
typedef FlexList *FlexL;
#define FlexL0 ((FlexL)0)
class FlexNode;
typedef FlexNode *FlexN;
#define FlexN0 ((FlexN)0)
class FlexNode {
FlexN next, prev;
friend FlexList;
char data[1];
// FLcomparE() typecasts a compare function pointer to
// the type required by FlexList::setCompare() and
// FlexList::sort().
#define FLcomparE(compare) ((int (*)(const void *D1, \
const void *D2)) compare)
// FLcompare0 is the NULL compare function pointer.
#define FLcompare0 FLcomparE(0)
class FlexList {
FlexN front, current, rear;
unsigned curNum, nodes, maxNodes;
size_t sizeofNodeData, sizeofNode;
int sorted;
int (*compare)(const void *D1, const void *D2);
// Variant FlexNode virtual functions:
// these functions are setup in the FlexList base
// class to handle C strings. A FlexNode in the
// FlexList will only be as big as necessary to
// accomodate the string stored within (see first
// FlexList constructor). Derive a new class from
// FlexList and redefine these virtual functions to
// accomodate your specific variant data.
virtual FlexN FNnew(const void *D);
virtual int FNwrite(void *ND, const void *D);
virtual int FNread(const void *ND, void *D);
virtual int FNdestruct(void *ND, void *D);
// FlexList constructors:
// sizeofNodeData specifies the size of data to be
// stored within the nodes of the FlexList. If
// sizeofNodeData is equal to FLvariantData, i.e. 0,
// then the variant FlexNode virtual functions above
// are used to accomodate variant length data.
FlexList(size_t sizeofNodeData, unsigned maxNodes
= FLmaxMaxNodes);
// Unpack array into FlexList
FlexList(unsigned sizeofCell, unsigned cells,
const void *array);
// FlexList destructors:
int clear();
virtual ~FlexList() { clear(); }
// FlexList header functions:
void *frontD() { return front? front->data : 0; }
void *currentD()
{ return current? current->data : 0; }
void *rearD() { return rear? rear->data : 0; }
unsigned CurNum() { return curNum; }
unsigned Nodes() { return nodes; }
unsigned MaxNodes() { return maxNodes; }
int setMaxNodes(unsigned maxNodes = FLmaxMaxNodes)
{ return ((maxNodes >= nodes)?
this->maxNodes = maxNodes, 1 : 0); }
unsigned notFull() { return (maxNodes - nodes); }
unsigned SizeofNodeData() { return sizeofNodeData; }
int isSorted() { return sorted; }
int unSort() { sorted = 0; return 1; }
int (*Compare())(const void *D1, const void *D2)
{ return compare; }
void setCompare(int (*compare)
(const void *D1, const void *D2))
{ this->compare = compare; sorted = 0; }
unsigned isFixed() { return sizeofNodeData; }
unsigned isVariant() { return !sizeofNodeData; }
// FlexList stack and queue functions:
void *pushN(FlexN N);
void *pushD(const void *D = 0);
FlexN popN();
int popD(void *D = 0);
void *topD(void *D = 0);
void *insQN(FlexN N);
void *insQD(const void *D = 0);
// FlexList list functions:
void *mkcur(unsigned n = 0);
void *insN(FlexN N);
void *insD(const void *D = 0);
void *insSortN(FlexN N);
void *insSortD(const void *D);
FlexN delN();
int delD(void *D = 0);
void *nextD(void *D = 0);
void *prevD(void *D = 0);
// FlexList search/sort functions:
// (see also insSortN()/insSortD() list functions)
void *findFirstD(const void *D);
void *findNextD(const void *D);
void *findLastD(const void *D);
void *findPrevD(const void *D);
int sort(int (*compare)
(const void *D1, const void *D2) = 0);
// FlexList array functions:
// See also compaction functions
int storeD(const void *D, unsigned n = 0);
int recallD(void *D, unsigned n = 0);
// FlexList compaction functions:
// (see also FlexList constructors)
void *pack();
void **packPtrs();
FlexList implementation constants -
change as required by target machine.
// Segmented machine architectures prevent the maximum
// segment size from being allocated with new. I've assumed
// a loss of 16 bytes to be the worst case for all machines.
// FLnewAlignLoss is used in macros below.
#define FLnewAlignLoss 16
// FLmaxSizeofNodeData is used in FlexList constructors to
// specify the maximum sizeof(data) that can be stored in
// a FlexNode.
#define FLmaxSizeofNodeData \
((size_t)(-(long)sizeof(FlexNode) \
// FLmaxSizeofArray is used in pack() and packPtrs().
// Many compilers truncate long to unsigned on calls to new!
#define FLmaxSizeofArray ((long)(size_t)-FLnewAlignLoss)
// If your machine and compiler can handle full long
// allocations then you can redefine FLmaxSizeofArray as:
// #define FLmaxSizeofArray sizeofArray
// This allows full range positive long values.